Why Use our Key Safe?

  • Have you ever tried to control keys using a written register? This system is just not credible and is the cause of a lot of frustration and low staff morale!

  • Have you ever tried to use an electronic key safe where an authorised user can draw one key, but fiddle with the other keys while he is at it? The key movement data of these systems are just not entirely credible!

  • Has your company ever lost a key and no one knew until it was too late?

  • Have you ever misplaced a key and have your customer wait till you find it?

  • Have you ever lost a key and exposed your company to the liability of an unauthorised person or criminal running around with your key? In addition to the risk exposure the management and admin effort to deal with the lost keys and the cost of replacement thereof is something that your business can do without.

Problem Areas

Many companies by their nature have to control and deal with a lot of keys. These keys need to be

  • Stored safely

  • Issued to only select staff

  • With credible historic records of the movements

  • With instant information as to who has a specific key at any time

  • With the capability of remote managerial access

  • Verified by stock control

Our Solution

The biometric key safe and key management system offered by Keys For Now PTY Ltd is more secure than any other electronic key safe. Authorised users can select and retrieve only the keys that they have authorisation for. Key movement data is then linked with their name, and in this process they cannot see or touch any of the other keys in storage. By using our product the following benefits occur

  • The company risk profile improves because the keys are safe and controlled

  • Administration costs decrease and staff productivity increases for 4 reasons.

    1. No more searching for who is responsible for a key
    2. The process of finding stored keys is now quicker
    3. Historic key movement reporting is at a click of a button
    4. Key stock control is now just the printing of a report, and it is credible.

  • Staff morale increases because there are no more false accusations as to who has a key, or who has lost a key.

  • Your image by your client improves due to the increased efficiency of your staff in finding and collecting keys that may be required to serve them.

  • Management control of your keys improves when using this our system

  • Should a staff member lose a key, they will not be able to hide the fact. Our system sends an email to a select mailing list at the end of the day notifying them of the keys that have not returned.